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Answer the following questions –
- Write any five important uses of Water ?
- Why are some countries facing the problem of water scarcity?
- what are the benefits of Multi Purpose Projects?
- describe the problems caused due to construction of dams?
- how does water get contaminated ?
- write any three ways through which we can conserve water?
- why can we not filter or desalinate sea water and supply it to the cities located near coasts?
- Until a few decades ago water purifiers were not used in household but now it has become a common household item. Why ?
- write a not on Mediterranean forests?
- write the features of Temperate Deciduous forests?
- Why do the desert not have Big Trees?
- write a note on mountain forests of India?
- How can forests be conserved ?
- write the features of animals found in South America?
- Which continent has the widest variety of unique animals? also mention any two unique animal with their features .
- what should be done to conserve wildlife?
- Polar bears are found in very cold regions but they are not found in Ladakh which is also a very cold region. Why?
- how can you distinguish between an African elephant and an Indian Elephant?
- Most of the dangerous animals like Lion, Tiger, Rhinoceros, Leopards, Cheetah, etc are endangered why ?
- Define the following :- (a)Grassland (b)Ecosystem (c)Deforestation (d)Biome (e)Biosphere (f)Lianso (g)Mangrove Forest (h)Marsupials (i)Natural Vegetation (j)Xerophytic Plants
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